Un engagement total dans la création et la qualité
Total commitment to creation and quality
La collection Walls Art Lux est composée d'œuvres d'art originales.
Chaque création de notre atelier est editée dans un certain nombre de copies strictement limitées à 8 (Certification Art Trust Worldwide).
Conçues pour habiller l'intérieur ou l'extérieur,selon le type de support choisi, nos créations sont uniques et exclusives, conçues à partir de techniques mixtes (dessin / peinture numérique / photographie)
Dans la grande tradition de la peinture classique transposée dans l'art contemporain, la collection Walls Art Lux vous transporte dans une nouvelle dimension artistique et émotionnelle en vous permettant de sublimer vos lieux de vie ou de travail.
Nos éditions d'art sont disponibles sur différents supports prestigieux (tissu de lin, vinyle, Diasec, d'art, des caissons lumineux, verre, métal ...) et certaines peuvent faire l'objet de véritables installations interactives vous permettant de vivre une expérience unique esthétique.
Toutes nos fresques adoptent des systèmes de protection contre l'humidité, la lumière et la poussière.
Walls Art Lux peut aussi personnaliser ses créations en fonction de votre projet et vous offrir la possibilité de posséder une oeuvre d'art exclusive concue selon vos voeux.
Nous fournissons l'édition de l'œuvre commandée sur le support de votre choix et nous vous accompagnons jusqu'à la mise en place de l'œuvre en intégrant bien entendu la programmation et la mise en œuvre des options interactives pour nos options 3D (Sons/Lumières/Commandes tactiles...)
Chaque œuvre est signée et numérotée de 1 à 8 et notre client reçoit un certificat Art Trust Worlwide.
The Walls Art Lux collection is made up of original works of art.
Each creation from our studio is edited in a number of copies strictly limited to 8 (Art Trust Worldwide Certification).
Designed to decorate interiors or exteriors, depending on the type of support chosen, our creations are unique and exclusive, created using mixed techniques (drawing / digital painting / photography).
In the great tradition of classical painting transposed into contemporary art, the Walls Art Lux collection transports you into a new artistic and emotional dimension, enabling you to sublimate your living or working spaces.
Our art editions are available on a range of prestigious media (linen fabric, vinyl, Diasec, art, lightboxes, glass, metal, etc.), and some can be the subject of genuine interactive installations, giving you a unique aesthetic experience.
All our murals are protected against humidity, light and dust.
Walls Art Lux can also customize its creations to suit your project, offering you the chance to own an exclusive work of art designed to your wishes.
We provide the edition of the work ordered on the medium of your choice, and accompany you right up to the installation of the work, integrating of course the programming and implementation of interactive options for our 3D options (Sound/Light/Touch Controls...).
Each work is signed and numbered from 1 to 8, and our customer receives an Art Trust Worldwide certificate.
Thierry Mutin. FUTURE ART LAB.

Walls Art Lux gives a new dimension to the physical and virtual spaces of the brand , transforming them into powerful interactive medium, giving life to its customers relatonships , bringing to the audience of the brand an unforgettable sensory experience in augmented reality

We can spatialize the brand, its history and products. We create scripts that follow the customer / player / viewer and sales forces in their brand's experiences. We know how to attract,conquer and fidelize.For us the brand is a medium and must become the producer of its relationship with the market...

Interactiv Design
Thanks to interactivity we Involve the public to ensure a lasting memory and we enrich the customer / player / viewer / sales forces experiences.
We capture data to build loyalty and marketing services.
The customer is a guest of the brand and the market becomes an audience...

Sound Design
We create sound identity , essential to the spirit of the brand. We build a sound identity for the the brand. Thanks to perpetuate his memory by penetrating the customer / player / viewer in the privacy of the brand. The sound is life and enhances the customer experience / brand...
We mix sounds / images / lights in a multimedia production framework that creates a real landscape / universe. We offer to the customer / player / viewer a total immersion in the brand universe . The Sensory Immersion appeals to all the senses and makes the communication definitively unforgettable...

Sensory Immersion

Data Visualization